The model displays the construction of the upper rectangular stories (belfry).


Usage of the model windows

General hint: if the models are not visible or not centered, press Z. Sometimes the predefined views don’t load correctly, this is a bug in the Iris plugin.

  • LMB - Pan around the scene
  • RMB - Orbits the scene camera
  • MM Wheel - Zooms
  • Zooming Extents - ‘z’
  • Zooming Selected - ‘s’

Accessing the pre-defined (numbered) views:

Click on the hamburger button in the top-left corner of the window, then on the eye icon, then on a number.

pre-defined views

The entire model of the second phase

3D image of the second phase

Rendering the entire model in 3D requires powerful hardware, so it can be accessed on a separate page:

3D model of the second phase


The first crane from the folio 3 recto of Hans Hammer’s portfolio:

The first crane from the folio 4 verso of Hans Hammer’s portfolio:

The first crane from the folio 10 recto of Hans Hammer’s portfolio:

The second crane from the folio 10 verso of Hans Hammer’s portfolio:


Drawings used as sources

  • Tower: Wien Museum Karlsplatz Inv. Nr. 105.064 (floor plan) and Inv. Nr. 105.067 (elevation) [1]
  • Scaffoldings:
    • 19th-century drawings of the (now demolished) bell-frame of the St. Stephen’s church in Vienna [2] [3]
    • A relevant scaffolding from Viollet-le-Duc’s dictionary [4]
  • Accessing the different levels of the scaffoldings: Hans Hammer’s ladder from the page 8v of the portfolio [5]
  • Machines:
    • Hans Hammer’s 3r 1 crane [5]
    • Hans Hammer’s 4v 1 crane [5]
    • Hans Hammer’s 10r 1 crane [5]
    • Hans Hammer’s 10v 2 crane [5]


[1] M. Kronberger, Ed., Der Dombau von St. Stephan. Die Originalpläne aus dem Mittelalter. Wien: Metroverlag, 2011. 49., 63–67. p.

[2] J. Trost, “Der Umbau der oberen Pyramide des Wiener Stephansthurmes,” Allgemeine Bauzeitung, vol. 8, pp. 5–17, 1843., Taf. XDII.

[3] F. Lange, “Stuhl mit Untergerüst im Turm der St. Stephan-Kirche zu Wien,” Zeitschrift für Bauhandwerker, vol. VII, p. Blatt 12, 1863.

[4] E. E. Viollet-le-Duc, Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle, vol. 5. Paris: B. Bance, 1861., 108. p.

[5] H. Hammer, Zeichnungen. Herzog August Bibliothek Cod. Guelf. 114.1 extrav.